Tag: Historical

Cossacks 3 free Download

Cossacks 3 Download

Cossacks 3 is a very original strategy game, which action takes place in real time in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The game is reproduction of the previous part released in 2001. If you are …
Assassin's Creed: Victory Download

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Download

Assassin’s Creed available on PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4 is a series of game, which appeared on the market almost a decade ago. Comparing to some of the legendary titles we know from 90’s, it’s …
europa universalis iv free download

Europa Universalis IV Download

Europa Universalis series created a sizeable group of fans over several years, hence it is one of the most important games of the strategy genre. Get for free the newest part of Europa Universalis IV …

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