Feral Blue Download

Feral Blue is an exceptional combination of a few kinds of games. It’s a mixture of sailing ship simulator with a very interesting strategy, all set in a postapocalyptic world. The creators of Feral Blue were also inspired by classical adventure games and RPGs. Developer and Publisher: Snowbird Game Studios. PC Release date: 2020. Platforms: Microsoft Windows PC.

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Feral Blue download

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The game creators

The publisher and developer of Feral Blue is Snowbird Games Studio from Moscow, responsible for such productions as Eador series, Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword, and Blood & Gold. Their games are very differentiated and made for various groups of customers. Feral Blue is an extraordinary game combining elements of the most popular kinds of gameplays. Do you want to have a go at sailing? Get Feral Blue free Download and board the ship now! A strategy based on sea sailing, set in postapocalyptic world, combined with elements from RPGs and adventure games. All these factors make up the power of Snowbird Games Studio’s product.


Plot of the game – review

In 1699 the Sun became too bright, which couldn’t be without an impact on our planet. The glaciers melted, seas and oceans went out of shores; most people died in a huge flood. The few survivors call it the Second Deluge. The world became on enormous ocean. All that is left are sparsely scattered islands, a handful of people and technology allowing to survive in the deadly conditions. Have you ever wondered what’s it like to sail on a boundless ocean? Get Feral Blue pc game Download and find out if you manage to survive!

The flood survivor’s task is to survive, but also to make his own sea empire. The adventure starts with enrolling onto a lowly pirate ship. Climbing the career ladder is a pretty hard and dangerous journey. In this game all tricks are permitted. It’s worth remembering that the captain is just a human and has to die, but the ship must sail on. Rebellion, setting up your own priest dynasties, poisonings… The player-character has open all the alleys of leading the story.

Mechanics of the gameplay

The player’s main task is scaling the social ladder in order to create his own sea empire. When he becomes the commander of the ship, he’s responsible for crew selection and task assignment, but he also controls by hand the use of arms available on the vessel. Do you dream of sea pirate battles? Get Feral Blue pc Download, a sea strategy with elements of adventure game. A very interesting solution is introduction of plenty of realism into the narration, and the ensuing characters’ behaviors. The creators took care to endow each character with their unique personality and needs. Therefore it’s necessary to control your subordinates constantly, because they can, for instance, ignite a rebellion to overthrow their leader, that is the player-character.

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