Darwin Project Download

Darwin Project is a demanding 3rd person contending action game in Battle Royale convention. Production was prepared for comfortable entertainment of a few people through Internet. The title was developed and published by independent studio Scavengers with a headquarter in Canada. PC Release date: 2019. Platforms: PC, XONE.

Darwin Project Download full version

Darwin Project full version games

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Plot – review

Each gamer plays a character of one of the warriors having unique skills. The aim of the game it to eliminate the remaining players. Game action takes place near the frosty mountain range Canadian Rockies located in Canada. Plot takes place in post-apocalyptic world in which people have to deal with upcoming Ice Age. If you like post-apo climates, you have to get Darwin Project free Download link and admire the world on the threshold of destruction. In order to prepare yourself for the cataclysm, the society brings Darwin Project into existence. Incapacitated prisoners take part in it and they are exposed against one another to a mortal combat. Winning in the program provides the winner with the title of survival master.


Darwin Project is based on similar rules to other game of Battle Royale type. The characters are closed with one another in specially islanded vast area. They have to fight with one another until the moment the last participant is alive. During the game they can use the skill of trapping and tracking. All the characters have different skills and weaker and stronger sides. If you want to take part in an intensive fight, get Darwin Project pc Download link and try out your skills in bloody Battle Royale. Gameplay is varied with the requirement of survival in icy and hostile surrounding in which the nature itself is also dangerous. However, game allows the player to form alliances. Encountered enemy can be convinced to cooperation and forming a common team. The map available in Darwin Project was divided into seven sectors in which everyone closes along with progressive passage of time. The production does not include the solution with narrowing and descending ambit with a dangerous sphere.


A crucial element of the entire game is crafting. Player can form not only traps and improvements for the character but also special gadgets of any kind such as teleporter, energy shield and useful watchdogs. If you are smart enough, get Darwin Project game Download link and skillfully use available possibilities. Exploration allows the player to find essential materials. Gamer starts each round with arch and axe, apart from which there is no weapon. Darwin Project is distinguished by graphics of high quality which is kept in comic stylistics. Production uses the most effective possibilities of Mixer system which allows the player to live-stream interactively. Due to it, players can directly influence the course of gameplay, e.g. giving defensive shield to his favourite.

Darwin Project free Download on PC

Darwin Project download

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Hardware requirements:

  • Processor: Dual Core 2.4 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 2 GB GeForce GTX 970 or better
  • Disk space: 6 GB HDD
  • Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit

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