Ruiner is a game destined for PC platform. In a great extent, it drew the inspiration from cyberpunk style. However, it is also made with the thought of top-down type of shooters. The authors have …
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided PC, PS4, XONE, another edition of popular series of science fiction games, where we personate Adam Jensen himself, who fights with the terrorists from all over the world. Deus Ex Mankind …
Supporters of real-time strategy kept in an atmosphere of cyberpunk certainly have heard the announcement of a new game developed by 5 Lives Studio, meaning Satellite Reign. Production will hit stores on the 28th of …
Shadowrun Hong Kong with turn-based combat system is cRPG game we are talking about here. Title developed by the Harebrained Schemes studio, which is the team that contributed to the creation of two previous hits …
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